Chimney FAQ’s

  • So, why get your chimney swept? Chimneys need to be cleaned periodically because wood-burning creates byproducts – like soot and a stubborn deposit called creosote. Creosote is a sticky or candy-like glaze that results from incomplete combustion.

    Over time, creosote can build up on the walls of the flue and on the smoke shelf, and because it’s not only corrosive but also highly flammable, if it’s not removed from the chimney, it becomes a fire hazard.

  • Again, there isn’t a hard and fast rule for how often chimneys need to be cleaned. How often you’ll need to have your chimney swept will depend on how much you use it, how efficient the appliance is, and how quickly soot and creosote buildup in your chimney system.

    The best thing to do is to schedule an annual inspection with a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep®. This is something we recommend in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 211, which states:

    “Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances. Cleaning, maintenance, and repairs shall be done if necessary.”

    If you keep up with annual chimney inspections, you’ll always know when – and if – your chimney needs to be cleaned.

  • Description text goes hereThe purpose of a chimney sweep is to remove soot, creosote, blockages, and other dirt and debris from the chimney system, so that you can continue to safely use your fireplace, without worrying about corrosive buildup, flammable byproducts, or dangerous blockages.

    So, what can you expect the process to include?

    The sweep will clean soot, creosote buildup, and blockages from the:

    • fireplace/firebox

    • smoke shelf/smoke chamber

    • damper

    • flue

    • and chimney cap, if needed

    Most chimney sweeps will perform an inspection on the same visit. Chimney inspections are vital because they allow a professional to check your entire system over and look for any potential issues or hidden flaws

    CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweeps perform Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 inspections. Each 33-point inspection is designed to thoroughly evaluate the entire chimney system, so that homeowners know what condition their system is in and what needs to be done (if anything) as far as repairs and preventive maintenance goes.

    To learn more about what’s included in an inspection and the different types of inspections that sweeps perform, use the information on the right.under Different Types of Chimney Inspections.

  • When you grow up seeing Dick Van Dyke tap dance little soot patterns all over London, it’s only natural to assume that chimney sweeping is messy. The truth is, it is a messy job – but if the sweep doing the work has the right tools and training and takes the right precautions, it shouldn’t be messy for you, the homeowner.

    The best chimney sweeps will wear booties over their shoes, lay tarps down to protect your floor and furniture, and capture soot and creosote using HEPA vacuums, so that your home stays immaculate throughout the chimney sweeping process.

    How do you know if the chimney sweep you’ve hired will make a mess? Take a look at the company’s website and reviews and ask when you schedule the appointment what steps they take to keep your home clean.

    CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweeps® are trained to put homeowner safety first, and one way they do that is by keeping soot and creosote safely contained, not spread out all over the home. So, when you see the CSIA badge, you shouldn’t have to worry about a mess.

  • Getting ready for the big day? There are a few things you can do toprepare for a chimney sweep and inspection:

    • Remove valuables from the mantel, hearth, and the area close to the fireplace or stove.

    • Clean out ashes and don’t use your appliance the day before or the day of your appointment.

    • Move furniture and any other belongings within six or so of the fireplace opening.

    • Have a plan to keep pets and small children away from the area during the sweeping.

    That’s it!

  • We try to cover some general chimney project price ranges for you over in our Cost Guide for Chimney Care page. But the truth is, costs can range greatly depending on the company you work with (and their experience, expenses, and overhead) and your location.

    In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from around $100 to $500 for a level 1 or level 2 inspection, and up to $5,000 for a level 3 chimney inspection.*

    *Price range from HomeAdvisor

For more resources, check out the Chimney Safety Institute of America.